Libertés Numériques English Cross-post • 5 octobre 2010 The Wisdom of free speech: from Albania to Syria par Niluccio I somehow doubt whether Tal al-Mallohi and her fellow Syrian detainees have watched many Norman Wisdom films. But if they ever do, I reckon they’d get a glimpse of what Syria is trying to suppress. Twitter Facebook 3 Amnesty International, blogging, china, comedy, film, Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Human Rights, Iran, Kareem 'Arabji, Norman Wisdom, Syria, Tal al-Mallohi, UK
Politique English Inédit • 1 juillet 2010 Italian Journalists say no to prison with Berlusconi’s “gag law” par Federica Cocco July 1st. Italian Journalists take to the street - virtual and real - to protest against a gag law that threatens to put them behind bars if they leak evidence from wiretapped conversations. An exclusive interview with one of the main organisers . Twitter Facebook alfano law, arianna ciccone, berlusconi, censorship, english, freedom of speech, italy, journalism, journalists, justice, press, wiretapping
Top Politique Internet • 17 février 2010 MEP Sandrine Bélier: A Wave of Internet Censorship Threatens Europe par Sandrine Bélier Deuxième article du cycle de traduction entamé par Owni : Hadopi, Loppsi, Acta, Paquet Télécom, Sandrine Bélier revient sur les menaces qui planent sur Internet. Twitter Facebook acta, berlusconi, censorship, european parliament, freedom of speech, hadopi, internet censorship, loppsi, netneutrality, sandrine bélier, sarkozy, web control